Serious sam 3 all secrets
Serious sam 3 all secrets

serious sam 3 all secrets

Blow it open to reveal a Mega-Secret, which releases Croteam, the developers of this game (appearing as bigheads). #4: When you have the Secret Rocket Launcher, head off the main ramp and go left where you will notice a door. #3: Do the same as Secret #2, but then on the opposite side. Jump onto the roof of the building off to the left of the ramp. #1: From your starting position, go right to find a Secret Colt behind some pillars. The first level of The First Encounter has 7 secrets. The guides on their own can be found here: Many thanks to Crowbaria for taking the time to port the guides over to Fusion 2017! The BFE guide was created by Atlascian Sarnosian with the help of GameFAQs [[Serious Sam Wiki [and The First Encounter and Second Encounter guides were created by Mauritsio. Thank you, and enjoy!Please wait while all of the images render themselves, thank you.If any if the images are too small for you to see, click one one and it will enlarge itself to fullscreen.Credit to: Retro Raider for condensing the guides, Mauritsio for the TFE and TSE guides, and Atlascian Sarnosian for the BFE guide.Remember to Like/Favorite if you found any of this guide helpful to you!UPDATE: April 24, 2017Updated the main guide description to look like Atlas’s guides and begun implimenting the BFE section. I only listed the secrets of what I found in order, so please, enjoy this drastically long compliation of every one of the 389 secrets (89 in TFE, 162 in TSE, and 138 in BFE) and their screenshots! You can help by posting comments at the bottom of this page, suggest that on how you might’ve gotten the secret, or what you think I should fix/add on to this.

#Serious sam 3 all secrets how to

Though each secret is not 100% legit, because others can find other routes and skilled tactics on how to get there faster. The new screenshots will help give an easier explaination of what the secrets look like and you can probably find the rendered location by yourself.

serious sam 3 all secrets

This guide will help explain of what hidden objects there are through out all 45 Campaign levels. WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!This is the complete guide of Serious Sam Fusion 2017.

Serious sam 3 all secrets